5 Tips To Keep It Together This Holiday Season!

5 Tips To Keep It Together This Holiday Season!

Where did the year go ladies?!  Here we are, late Fall, looking at the calendar and wondering how are going to fit all that we have to do into our schedules.  Well before going down that road, take a few moments to read these 5 Tips To Keep It Together This Holiday Season!

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Plan Ahead - This gives you a feeling of control and accomplishment.  Use your calendar to make sure you're not caught off guard with double booking or being short on cash!  Make sure you use your time how you want to use it and leave plenty of empty days on your calendar for unexpected last minute life events.

Over Commitment - Avoid the hectic pace of holidays by saying no to things that you know will be draining emotionally, timely and financially.  Take control and woman-up ladies...You don't have to do anything you don't want to do and it's okay to guard yourself from committing to places that you don't want to go or things you don't want to do if it harms you!

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Try Something New - On the other hand, you may want that feel good experience of saying yes to some new things you may have never thought of but bring big returns like picking up kids for the stretched (and stressed) parents.  You can take the kids to grab a quick bite for dinner, help them with their homework, and drop them off. When my kids were little I appreciated those free times immensely!

A Little Goes A Long Way - Who say's that holiday cheer is only for Christmas.  Start spreading a little holiday cheer throughout the year.  I know Christmas cards seem like the thing of the past but I can tell you it means the world to older family members who may not be able to get about.  So buy a box of beautiful cards and stamps start mailing today!

yamoni essentials 5 tips to holiday

Take Good Care Of Yourself - I love the fall when I can get that elusive extra hour of sleep when daylight savings time ends! Rest is so important especially during this time of year when there's added shopping events etc.  When you're feeling that things are more difficult or feeling a little edgy or overwhelmed:  That a sure sign you need more rest.  Start by putting your phone on do-not-disturb. 

I hope you take these pointers with you and apply them to your daily life!  Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to our email list and allow text/SMS notifications to continue to get first hand news and shopping deals on Yamoni Essential Hair Care products for you and your family -- they make great gifts too!  

Happy Thanksgiving From My Family To Yours!



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